Cody Pallo

Apel & Banini


Illusion-Computer is a live media broadcasting tool, utilizing a mobile webXR extranet, a media intranet and a suite of creative software applications. Multiple users can share webXR experiences in real time across desktop, phone, tablet, and XR devices. Our console is an instrument for crafting illusions and our software enables a new paradigm of communication we call Hyper-Dialogue.

  • Live engagement
    Host virtual experiences for nearby users. Imagine sharing a wireless virtual experience with friends in a park or back yard. Add as many hosts or guests as you like.

  • Multi-device compatibility
    Create and view projects on any device with a web browser—computers, tablets, phones, or XR glasses.

  • Private platform
    Know you’re safe and secure in your own network. Enjoy experiences anywhere, even without cell service or a data plan.

  • Immersive experiences
    Enjoy high-fidelity experiences on your own portable, nearby server.

  • Convenient app development
    Create quickly with open web standards to develop whatever you can imagine.

  • Physical media posterity
    Keep the integrity of your experiences intact with a physical media library.


  • Box Set
    • Illusion-Computer
      • Consoles
      • Peripherals
  • Consoles
    • Space-Amp (PC Enclosure)
    • Space-Crafter (XR Glasses)
  • Peripherals
    • Matter-Controller (Joystick)
    • Reality-Converter (Display)
    • Existence-Machine (Data Drive)
  • OS
    • Hyper-Dialogue
  • Service
    • Mind-Flash (Experiences)